
Monday, November 3, 2014

wood veneers & DT call | Shop Talk

They're finally here! They are so stinkin' cute. I can't wait to see what you'll do with them.

And now about the DT call...I've decided to ask a few of the past DT members to rejoin the team and so excited that they said yes! I do need 2 more members though to make a team of 6. I'd like posts to be made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I hope their work will help keep everyone inspired to use your Evalicious goods because honestly, I'm doing a horrible job at it! I'm so busy with filling wholesale orders, designing for Christine over at Cocoa Daisy, my other work and now tending to a family member's health that I don't have time to scrapbook my own memories. I do plan to have some down time though in December to hopefully do some scrapbooking. Can't wait.

- we are looking for 2 new DT members to join the Evalicious DT for the term of December to June.
- must be a scrapbooker (bonus points for being a PL'er)
- email us with this subject line: 2014-2015 DT Member Application (please do not change this up; just copy/paste it).
- tell us a little about you, why you'd like to join our design team and why you'd be a good fit in 10 sentences or less - no long essays please.
- show us 2-3 recent projects (bonus points for using Evalicious goods)
- if you've had experience as DT coordinator, it will increase your chance of being chosen. DT coordinator will get extra products in exchange for the slightly extra work they will do.
- applications must be submitted by the end of Friday, Nov 14. Chosen applicants will be contacted shortly after and announced on blog the following week.

- post twice a month on the Evalicious blog: project of your choosing - cool technique, process, something/anything fun/awesome.
- must be able to commit to your posting dates that you select. We really want a set posting schedule of MWF so blog followers visit regularly. You are encouraged to do your project ahead of time and post date it if your schedule is unpredictable.
- social media hype on my products (posting on Evalicous social media and your personal/scrapbooking social media)
- participate in DT blog and miscellany product promotions.
- participate in the set up of an Evalicious Pinterest account (add your Evalicious projects, etc)
- be ok with your projects to be shared on Pinterest, shop listings, product promotion.

- a nice load of Evalicious goods to start you on your term
- more goodies when there's new product releases
- a generous DT code that never expires
- the opportunity to show off your work to the scrapbooking community.

Please spread the word on this call if you know of anyone who would be a good fit. If you are thinking of applying, we can't wait to see your work!


  1. Gorgeous Eve, good luck with your call! I shared it on facebook!

  2. They look awesome! I'm excited to see the upcoming projects from the new DT.

  3. What a wonderful opportunity! Hope your receive lots of applications Eva. I've heard some very good things about this team <3

  4. Wow, this sounds fun! Think I´ll throw in a application...

  5. I assume you meant post twice a month on the blog and not twice a week? ;)

  6. Yes, it's twice a month! Sorry about that. I've corrected it in the post.

  7. You don't have the email address on the post, I sent it to I hope that works! Good Luck to everyone! :)

  8. I sent my application on email :) Fingers crossed for all!

  9. I can't wait to see who made it. I haven't been having good internet lately and just finally was able to catch up in blogland. Hopefully I can apply next time around! Good luck every one!

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