
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Project Life - 2nd Week July | Inspiration

I discovered after my week one of PL, I like photos with the white frame just like how I used to print it for my art journal pages. Only I'm doing them more squares now because of the instagram photos that I've been taking. I'm still sending them to my CP800 printer and can get 2 approx. 2"x2" photos out of a 4x6 print paper.

Lovin' this stamp from this set. Card on right is part of the SD large cards.

These days of week stamps work great for the little 3x4 cards without overwhelming the other elements.

Left bottom corner card is from the Love You Lots large tags set.

I made this cute little page tab a while back out of wood veneer paper and scrapbook paper then sent it through my sewing machine. It was hanging around so I invited it to join my PL layout for this week.

On the left there - the "tell your story" card is from my shop: So Daily large cards set.

Using up some of my old PL cards from one of the older PL kits - this one opens up to house more photos. I tend to take a ton of photos on the weekend so these work out great.

Thanks for taking a peek at my pages! Hope your first back to school week went well. Munchkin here will be going back to Strong Start (it's like "pre" preschool - heehee). I couldn't stand to part with her just yet so held off on preschool this year. We weren't sure if she was going to be potty trained by the time this school year started so didn't want to commit. She is potty trained now.

Please pop in again on Friday - I've got some sneaks to share:)


  1. I'm in love with your PL pages. The photos are stunning. And of course all the Evalicious goodies. I also love photos with white borders. I've been printing them that way in my own PL, and on layouts. Can't wait to see a sneak peek of what's up next!

  2. Hi Eva, I was hoping you could tell me how you print two 2x2 photos using your Selphy. I've been doing my photos this size for my PL also, but can't figure out how to get more than one on a page. I've tried a couple of different apps, but so far no luck. I sure would appreciate the info when you have the time. Thanks in advance. I adore you PL btw, so many little details and embellies, and lots of journaling, just how I like it.

  3. NICE PL...the white seems to keep it light & lets you write lots without overwhelming it all....great job on this:):):)

  4. Thank you for the lovely comments ladies:)

    Sherri, I use PS - open a white 4x6 document, size/crop my photos then plop them onto the 4x6 document. I then print it to the cp800 and cut it out with paper cutter so that it has a white edge.

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