
Sunday, April 7, 2013

disney cruise 2013 I inspiration

hi everyone:) it's eve here with an extra weekend inspiration post. i feel so spoiled with all design work that the DT has been doing. thought i'd check in with you all to let you know that i AM still making a little time to document my life despite the busy-ness of the shop.
we have been humming/haaing over a first trip away for quite some time now and decided one day to just go for it and book one. we decided on a disney cruise mainly because of munchkin. the destination was not so important - i guess. we really wanted to go to hawaii but it was just not part of the DCL sailings this year:(. the trip overall was an experience - from what to pack, to overpacking, to myelle peeing her pants on the plane because we loaded her up with so much water on take off (moms you know what i'm talking about), to myelle catching a bug on the ship, etc. it was super fun though!
i used the let's go journal to document this trip. truthfully, i left the packing of my journal and supplies to the last day before leaving and couldn't locate the embellies bag that came with the kit so just used all sorts of Evalicious goods to go with it.

i love how fat the book looked from the side as i started filling it up.
i brought the pivi printer with me and a load of prints. sadly, this printer is no longer available for purchase, just the prints. Day 1 was spent on a red-eye flight from Vancouver to LAX to MCO.
Day 2 was spent recuperating so didn't even think about starting the documentation process. i saved everything though including our ticket printouts, receipts and added it to the yellow chevron baggie (something i added extra to the book). i started printing up photos on the 3rd day of the trip and documenting day 1 & 2.
enjoyed cocoa beach on the friday that we were in Florida.
DCL is so super organized and they mailed us this booklet that had all sorts of things in it that i could use for my book - such as this sailing itinerary. something cool to look back on to see which day went with which activity.
meeting mickey. girl let out the biggest screech EVER. i think she freaked mickey mouse out - poor mouse! on the right, the buffet we like to frequent and are often late for - lol.
oops. looks like i forgot to photograph the backside of the page on the right. the missing page talks about our room & free on-demand movies. we splurged for an oversized balcony. so glad we did because the suntanning decks were always packed with people. dcl is so cool because it's the first cruise ship that we've been with that offers FREE all you can watch movies:)
lots of observations on this trip. i just basically broke it down to noting in point from: what we did, observations, gratitude. if something was worth noting on its own then it would get a little spot on a page.
myelle LOVES snow white. i cut her out of a Chinese red envelope that i saved from Chinese New Year. The "cruise highlight" sheet was part of the newsletter that we got each night on the ship. loved including little snippets like these in the book.
little girl caught on to the lining up to meet the princesses thing. SO CUTE.
i have nothing against disney sb embellishments but find them a bit kiddish for my style. my MIL bought me some when we got back from the trip. they would totally clash with the book so i'm glad her feelings weren't hurt when i told her that i won't be using them.
 i kept the name tag sticker that the nursery would stick on myelle's shirt each time she went there and added it to the book. just as a reminder of when eddie & i had some alone time. PS. they change baby dipeys on DCL instead of paging for you to come back to do it. big bonus for Disney!
i basically spent about 2 hours each night documenting about the day previous day or 2 and printing up photos that i took on that day while myelle and eddie watched a disney movie. i only got around to documenting up to Weds of our trip and we went back home on a Saturday.
hope i've inspired you to document your past or upcoming trip.
to view the rest of the album, go here.


  1. Love your journal, Eve. I will be travelling very soon and I can't wait to document all the adventures. I will definitely be using your journal as an inspiration.

  2. This is just so're so good at journalling...I need to be better at that!

  3. Gorgeous album Eve. Could you tell me where you got your star punch from it looks like a pointy edge circle. Hope this makes sense

  4. i love it! im gonna make something like this asap :)

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