
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

more yoyo flowers?

After my parents fed us lunch a couple of Sundays ago, they babysat Myelle while Eddie & I went out to Vancouver to my favourite collage store (Ruby Dog's) & fabric store (Spool of Thread - just a few doors down). When I saw the green & blue yummy fabrics, I just had to buy some and make more of these super cute yoyo flowers:).
Used more of the brown print again to make the larger size (2" diameter). I just LOVE the green - so yummy!! I actually first got the urge to make lots of these when I wanted to make Myelle a few headbands. I ordered the headbands off Etsy but waited and waited and they never showed (got lost in transit) so I'm being sent some more. In the meanwhile, I've just been holding these up to her head and envisioning what the potential headband would look like on her. She gives me the biggest smile when I do this - it's so cute! Oh, these are also good for playing "guess which hand I hid the flower in" (she gets it right only 10% of the time but who cares right?!).

Munchkin was napping beside me while I was sewing some of these flowers and when she woke up, she went right for the tin of completed flowers and started throwing them behind her shoulders and all over the bed. LOL.

I'll list this new set of colours along with the destination art journals when they become available again.