
Thursday, March 17, 2011

busy busy

Was seriously ready to cry from frustration last week when Myelle was super needy and I couldn't get any work done. This box of papers were sitting there screaming "punch some holes in me!" and all I could do was stare at them.

Then I picked her up, put her in the playpen again and held my breath. Miraculously, she stayed in it without a fuss for nearly an hour just playing by herself all content. It's so funny how their little moods are from moment to moment. I felt like I was being a terrible mother about half hour into it for not entertaining her that I was going to pick her up out of there and play with her. Then thought to myself that I'm probably not the only mother who does this - right ladies? haha. I got over feeling guilty real fast. Felt so good to get that box of papers all punched. I was happy and she was happy.


  1. It's hard not to be super mom and try to get everything done! I think she'll survive if she plays by herself for a half an hr. Punch away!

  2. It's OK if you didn't get those papers punched today. Think about it - your daughter is so much more important and her needs are what matters most.
    Feeling guilty is normal - glad you got over it quickly.

  3. I think it's good for them to learn to be independent and learn how to have an imagination.Her needs were taken care of fed, changed.No need to feel guilty over an hour or so.I am trying to teach my daughter to let her son learn to play on his own at a year old.He's very catered to and it makes him so very demanding.Now that's stressful.She's darling and I enjoy seeing photos of her~Cheers Kim

  4. Oh, it's SO normal!!!! It's hard to work out of the house and have a young one home too. I have a preschooler and I can barely get anything done unless I let her watch TV for a bit. Talk about feeling guilty. I get over it fast though, because I am a better mother when I am able to get things done.


  5. I cry at least once a week out of frustration. I think it great that she also learns to play on her own...we all need a little alone time! no guilt!

  6. You won't regret it later! She's learning to amuse herself!

  7. It's ok to cry ... and it's really good to get something done other than stuff related to the baby, house hold, errands, doctor's visits. The day goes by so fast, so little accomplishments really count. My daughter was super needy as a baby and toddler, I couldn't even take out the trash without her crying hysterically. My son just played in this room, took long naps and smiled all the time. :)

  8. usually I just lurk and look at all the beautiful things you create... but today I feel compelled to post! too many people today feel the need to overscheulde their kids - even as babies! the other folks that have posted that learning to amuse yourself is important and I think it builds creativity and independence not to mention problem solving skills. not only is it play alone - it should be encouraged! (because she's really not alone with you feet away right?)

  9. Thanks ladies:). Totally agree that letting her play on own is a good thing for so many reasons. That's why I got over feeling bad real fast:). I'm learning as I go and will try to enjoy every bit of it.
