
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

about shop

so I was saying about shop before being consumed by what's going on lately...I've decided to close shop a little longer because of tax and mat leave reasons with my other job. Not supposed to make any extra income while on mat leave top up from nursing job. Figured it out late. I'll be doing a shop update sometime in September. Please be on the lookout :).

So with whatever spare time I've got, I'm working on some new cute & pretty embellies and mini albums/kits. It's actually not spare time, I'm making it a priority to make time for it because it keeps me mentally healthy :). Here's a peek:


  1. I'm sad to hear this but it's understandable! My friend will be bummed too...she really wanted to get one of the Baby Journals but didn't get to you in time before the baby was born. I'm glad I decided to grab mine before I "needed" it because I got to start! :)

    I can't wait to see the next update...those colors are beautiful!

  2. OMW, those colors are amazing! I must have them!!!!

    Can't wait to see the shop in will be worth the wait I'm sure. Plus you deserve some family time!!!!!

  3. Sad to hear we have to wait a bit for some goodies, but the peeks are lovely!

  4. It's a good thing to make it a priority. I gave up making things for a while after Lydia was born and all it did was send me into a mini depression & I was not happy. Creating things is an outlit for the stressful days of having a little one. And they look gorgeous.

  5. Love your shop and your blog.. I just ordered, I know u said u closed up shop.. However I just paid u... will I be getting my order soon?
