Or decorative door hanger for the holidays in the case of my example. The ribbon spool I used is about 4 1/4" in diameter. You can totally use smaller ribbon spools depending on the size of your tree.

1. Gather these supplies: empty ribbon spool, decorative ribbon that'll fit on your empty spool, decorative metallic thread or embroidery floss, B&W photo, scissors, permanent marker (Sharpie ultra fine), Scenic Route Garland stickers & Evalicious Christmas Assorted Mix embellies (comes with your Merry Christmas Art Journal), Glue Dots (not shown), and paper piercer (not shown).

2. Trace out circle on photo using ribbon spool as a template. Make sure your subjects' faces are inside circle.

3. Cut out circle.

4. Mount circle photo onto spool using Glue Dots. You can cover the backside with white cardstock if you want to give away the ornament as a gift so that you can write a sentiment on it.

5. Cut off small piece of decorative ribbon to cover half the circumference of the spool (the top side).

6. Adhere ribbon piece of top portion of spool using one Glue Dot on each end of ribbon.

7. Cut a long enough piece of the same decorative ribbon so that it'll allow you to tie a bow at the top. The bigger the spool, the longer the ribbon you'll need. I cut mine one yard long. Adhere ribbon onto bottom of spool with Glue Dot.

8. Give ribbon slack near the top so that it creates an opening that'll allow a door knob or tree branch to fit through. Then tie bow. I tied a knot first so that I'd know where the bow should go.

9. Remove a sticker circle from the SR Garland sticker sheet and adhere it to cardstock then trim out circle sticker. Pierce small hole at top of sticker. Trim 6" piece of metallic thread and thread sticker circle halfway through.

10. Place bow of the ribbon spool in between the two metallic thread tails.

11. Then hold metallic thread tales together and make a loop knot or whatever knot you're comfortable with.

12. Decorate photo with word sticker and an Evalicious snowflake felt embellie.

You're finished! Hope you enjoyed this super easy tutorial:). I came up with this idea a few years back when I was a Stampin' Up! demonstrator and hoarded tons of their ribbons and would save all the spools when the ribbons were used up. Thought it was ridiculous that I had to throw these spools away (well recycle them but you know what I mean) so I made the triptych door ornament for my sister-in-law and her husband for Christmas and they loved it! Best part: it cost practically nothing but worth GOLD to them cause it's got their family photos on it displayed in a cute way!
You can make a triptych too by finding 3 spools that are the same width, decorate them all and join them together by overlapping each of the spools a little and adhering the overlap section with a small Glue Dot.
Hugs, eve
What a Great Idea (and so easy)!
Oh, how lovely :-) And what a gorgeous photo!
Hope you're feeling better x
What a great idea, and I love that photo you used! I'm def. making some of these!
Very cute!
OMGOSH...That's so cute! I'm going to do this!
Great idea!
SHUT the front door - CUTE!
le anne bull
Super cute! I'll be making some of these! Thanks!
Congratulations! I just wanted you to know that your project will appear on the Yahoo Group Late Night Stamper’s blog finds of the day for Nov. 20. Want to receive your own copy of the blog finds of the day? Join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stampinuplnstampers/
PS Just gave you an award, hope you like it x
Thanks for the tutorial! I want to make at least one of these for my mom with old family photos.
What a great idea. Forwarded to me by a friend. Which means, another blog I'll be checking out, because I'm liking what I see. Thanks!!!
These are absolutely adorable. I will definitely have to do this with my nieces and nephews! I have amazing memories of making my own Christmas ornaments when I was a kid.
personalized pet ornaments
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