Sunday, October 11, 2009

Couldn't Help Myself

I made some more of the these because I was running low - you love them! What can I say?! So I decided to make a second version:) with a few different colours. It's something about the weather. But I think that's it for fall stuff so if you didn't get them, do it before they're gone. Moving onto Christmas stuff soon. Woohoo!

I took a little break on Wednesday and got my hair coloured and cut. I haven't had dark hair in so long and all the highlights are gone. I like it! I thought the shorter bangs would drive me nuts but I'm coping amazingly well with it. I usually ask for it to be long enough so that I can tuck it behind my ears for when I do dressing changes or IV stuff. Only cause I used to spend so much time in that job. But not anymore - so HELLO bangs!

(sorry the arm-out photography is getting a little old cause I can only take photos with my left hand - so gotta pull out that tripod that I got and use it more OR buy a wider lens;))

happy sunday:)


Michelle said...

Love self portraits! And love the hair

Vivianna said...

your hair looks lovely!

Amber said...

Oooh, I love the colors in those buttons!!

(And! Your hair looks great!!)

Kelli said...

Your hair looks great! I opted for no highlights the last few times too. I usually do it for summer, but just didn't feel it this summer.

Anonymous said...

What you make is always so pretty!! And you hair is great!