Friday, March 13, 2009

I was just looking through some photos taken mid last year and was ROFLMAO when I found this one.!! Just had to share. Eddie likes to dress him up. The poor thing...

That's my vest-not his!
I'm getting my roots done tomorrow-woohoo! Byebye grays! Hanging out with the boys on Sunday and probably go see Grandma then to the Seattle outlets to shop on Monday with my sis:)
Love Fridays cause it means relaxing in front of the tv, watching Ghost Whisperer, Flashpoint then Numbers. Have a good weekend!


Linda said...

lol, what a cutie! :)
Have a super weekend!

Kelli said...

Poor Milo, he doesn't look impressed. We have similar pics of our dogs, and both look as impressed as your guy! Our older dog gets embarassed and when the clothes are removed she goes after the younger, bigger dog and growls at him.

Katie Paterson said...

Wow I just stumbled upon your blog from Ali's blog and I am throughly inspired! Its so great to see a fellow canadian scrapbooker with such talent. I hope to get some of your embellies from your Esty site :) By the way your dog is super cute in the vest, he pulls off the look well hehe

jenn said...

Love your blog and etsy shop!!! Just found it :)
