Tuesday, July 22, 2008

yesterday and today...

Another day off from work--woohoo! Yesterday went by a little quick. Finished up some custom orders. Will be offering these cute pink/red/orange flowers 'assorted button paper flowers MIX 3' real soon. Just waiting for more orange buttons to arrive. They're so cute--makes me smile everytime i finish sewing one together! Also relisted my SEVEN mini album in my shop (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=13573844). It's a super fun mini book. Always makes me smile when i flip it open. All the pieces are included except photos and the handwriting. My mini kits are great for the beginner scrapbooker/crafter or the intermediate/advanced ones who doesn't want to have to think about design/paper choice/etc. in order to have a nice item in their home that houses their photos. Love that I'm able to provide that!

Got to take Mylo to the doggy park yesterday and my friend Karen introduced me to this store called Scoop in Langley. They sell baking equipment and supplies--it was packed full of stuff in there and a whole wall of cookie cutters. I'm such a sucker for cookie cutters. I envision making all these cute shaped doggy cookies for Mylo but always end up just using the simpler shapes. So I bought a set of good circle ones, a carrot and an owl (the owl one is actually for my crafts heehee but don't tell Mylo that). Went out with Eddie for Sushi--yum.

So what's in store for today? Working on some new projects and hopefully put my cookie cutters to use:) Poor Mylo's been without treats for a while. For those of you who have doggies, I love using this recipe to make Mylo treats. It's great cause it's affordable, all natural and I know what's in it instead of having to guess. And all the dogs LOVE these treats!

Peanut Butter Biscuits

-2 tbsp olive oil

-1/2 all natural/organic peanut butter (i get mine from Costco)

-1 c. water

-2 c. flour (i use rye)

-1 c. rolled oats

Preheat oven to 350degrees. Combine oil, peanut butter and water. Stir in rolled oats. Add flour 1/2 cup at a time. Roll dough to 1/4 inch thickness and cut with cookie cutters or just use pizza cutter if you don't care what it looks like. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Depending on your oven, you may have to move the racks around and move the trays of biscuits every 10 mins to avoid burning your cookies. The first batch always turns out not so nice. The more you make, the better it ends up looking. Have a good day!